  • What On Earth? The Environment Explore, create and Investigate!
  • What On Earth? The Environment Explore, create and Investigate!

What On Earth? The Environment Explore, create and Investigate!



What On Earth? The Environment  By: Jonathan Litton, Pau Morgan (illustrator)


A fascinating introduction to the environment - the air, soil, water, plants and animals. How do our actions affects the environment and what on Earth ca we do about it?

What on Earth? The Environment is a simple first introduction to the environment - the air, soil, water, plants and animals. How do we as humans slot into the natural world around us and how do our actions affect the environment? What on Earth can we do about it? The book contains three different types of pages: Explore, Investigate and Create. this structure provides a child-led and hands-on way for children to learn about the world around them. Create pages consist of fun crafts and activities to give children a chance to play and have fun while learning.

Product Details:

ISBN: 9780711250505     Format: Hardback      Language: English 

For Ages: 6 - 12 years      Page: 64                    Published: 2021

Publisher: QED Publishing      Country of Publication:  GB